Tariq Usmani MBE was our special guest, like me he has a long history in UK Real Estate. Tariq talked about his journey into the construction industry, from a contractor's perspective he provided insight into his view on chartered surveyors and the values that guide him. He was well received.
In line with Tariq's quote, we are pleased we can do these events as they develop interest and inspire people. To find out how to become a RICS member and a Chartered Surveyor click Tariq's quote it will take you to the RICS website. To apply you will need a guide and a counsellor, a RICS Member.
We congratulate Mohamed Merchant, winner of the UKREiiF ticket competition, his presentation is above (click photo), and again we are pleased we were able to provide the opportunity.
The 1 May 2024 slide pack is below, with photos from the event, the photo at the end in nice, they all look like future Chartered Surveyors. We are happy people enjoyed our event, we had many compliments and we thank them.
Our talk from the event has information on AMSi and what is next, this is here too. Our website has been refreshed to reflect what we said: www.surveyorstore.co.uk , this sets us up for the next year. There is a complaints process there as well just in case anyone has an issue.
We thank Tariq, other guests, UKREiiF, the RICS, our ambassadors, and members & supporters.
AMSi has quickly become global, we have people everywhere who feel a part of our membership, it is nice we have many members. However, each location has its nuance, and there is space for local arrangements, we encourage this.
Sarah Chaudhry MBA FRICS
AMSi & Surveyor School
by Surveyor Store Ltd
07521 085400
Should you wish to host, speak, or sponsor a future event or AMSi, get in contact, we can do partnerships as well, and welcome sister and brother networks.
We have requests for RICS APC counselling, teaching, and training that need thought and time, each request requires tailoring as per each client's brief and cannot be rushed.
We hope to hold our next events in July 2024, after big Eid - Insha’Allah.