Well done to candidates who passed their RICS professional exams.
-the RICS.
The Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS) is widely recognised across the globe.
-membership process.
The main membership grades are Associate, Member and Fellow. There are a few routes in. Then there are 22 technical pathways.
-a invitation.
We invite people to submit learning points on the professional exams process or a case study.
If there is beneficial information and knowledge we would like to help share this as a form of teaching.
We will give a £50 voucher to say thank you for a published story .
-university students.
University students £25, tell us why you are interested in construction, land or real estate.
-surveyor or aspiring surveyor stories.
Surveyor or aspiring stories are welcome, also those that are bizarre, learning points are key, particularly from referrals.
-counsellor services.
We provide Counsellor Services, we are pleased on 3 June that a candidate we supported became AssocRICS.
They said: “I would like to thank you for your support and guidance as it was crucial for my success.”
We thanked them as they were professional in their dealings with us, please note this is a paid service.
-how to submit.
Should you wish to submit your surveyor or aspiring surveyor story or require counsellor services email: info@surveyorstore.co.uk.
Vouchers will only be given for stories we publish.
With RICS APC candidates we do not expect any payment on account, we will bill after each session.
We only want to work with people who pay us then promptly, and value our service.
-do check
Do check for sensitive information before sending anything and make sure you have consent.
Send enquiries to the same email address.
Sarah Chaudhry
Surveyor Store Ltd
Founder AMSi
07521 085400
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